Monday, June 30, 2008

Gotta love it

When the house stays clean!I worked hard Saturday to get it under control. I do have to get dh to get the rubbermaid bucket out to the shed..its just too heavy for me to do it, so I've nominated him for the job.

He doesn't grasp the urgency in getting it done..He leaves for Texas tomorrow evening, so hoopefully, it'll be done before then. hmm, I didn't notice that lampshade being crooked..I'll have to go fix it now..

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Both of my boys with one of their older cousins. We live right next door to each other. They have so much fun together.
(Men are still idiots, but it is better today)

Friday, June 27, 2008


men are idiots...

bad day..

Thursday, June 26, 2008


We had such a good time fishing last night! We didn't catch anything, but it was still fun. I have a picture of the pelicans hanging around the dock before we left..I've never seen that many gathered all in one spot before. I have a picture of a loggerhead turtle too..but it looks terrible no matter how I try to fix it up in photoshop.and in a clearly brilliant moment, I've removed paint shop pro from my computer..go figure

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Living in the country..kind of

We live out in the country..sort of..and we get quite a bit of wild animals here..I've never been lucky enough to spot a (live) bear, although I've seen 2 dead bears in the last 2 months, I've never seen bobcats/florida panthers either, nor do I really want to..other than at a zoo, because as beautiful as they are, I probably would flip out to see one in my front yard. We do see a lot of these white birds..I get blue herons in the summer too sometimes. Today there were 3 or 4 of the white birds ( I just call them the 'white cow birds') that hang out in cow pastures, in our yard today. If you click on the picture to see it larger, you can make out one on my fence line. I'm going fishing tomorrow night (Shark fishing..grrrrrr, lol) so I'm hoping to get Thursday's picture there.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I didn't really forget yesterday..I have a friend in the hospital and stuff just got in the way..I had to run to the Pediatrician today and got a couple pictures..Not the best quality, I took them both on my phone. The second one is the train that had us waiting about 5 minutes to get across the tracks, and the first is the exact color crape myrtle I'm looking for..I wish I could find one!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

June 21, 2008

I take a lot of pictures of rain..I just like the way they turn out..I'm always hoping for a really good shot I guess. I'm not that great a photographer, its completely for fun, and I haven't gotten any training, or any special 'eye' for it, I just love it. And Rain is one of my favorite subjects. This is the rain falling on my deck I was hoping it would come out half way decent.

Friday, June 20, 2008

June 20th

Today was the last day of VBS for the kids. Ray got his face painted..enjoyed an alpaca, and some games, got a hot dog, and we were back home. :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kind of a lazy day today

I'm Simming today..the boys are with Dad, the other with friends..I got back from the dr, and had time to do what I I did..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

FCAT SeaWorld Field Trip

Today was the fifth grade field trip to Sea World. All the 5th graders that were proficient in Reading and Math (score of a 3 or above) were invited free of charge (other than their lunch) to Sea World by the Principal. I was a chaperone today. It was HOT! The kids had a lot of fun did I, although, I will be finding my foot massager soon, lol. Today is a twofer also..The top picture is of the Sea Lions that the kids fed today, they're so cute! The other is of my son and myself..I don't have too many of these, I hate, hate, hate having my picture taken, but today it was warranted.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Looking out my front window

Thats the view from my front window this afternoon. Its so hot, the dogs are just laying around in the dirt..not wanting to do anything! I'm going to Sea World tomorrow with my oldest son, its an 'incentive' trip he earned for FCAT this year.(All the kids that came back proficient ..the ones in 5th grade anyway are getting to go.) I'm, who knows it could be a picture of Shamu tomorrow~

Monday, June 16, 2008

Just another Monday

I drove to my parent's house today to see my father. I didn't get a chance to go for Father's day yesterday. Its a couple hour drive or so to their house in Volusia County from my house in Marion County. I got a shot of SR 42 on the way home.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

My husband is at work, my boys are at a friend house..I have the day to myself. I did take a couple pictures at odd angles of my bookcase, so you can see that it really is full..(so is the video cabinet! wow, does that need to be cleaned out!:P)

I have a bonus pic for today too.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Something a little different today.

I love to read. I can literally lose time in a Barnes and Noble. And maybe I'm a book snob, but I don't like the library. If I'm going to spend time to read a book, I want to own it, much to my checkbook's (and husband's) dismay. I am out of room in my bookcases, so, I probably should pass on some of my books..but, alas, that is SO not going to happen. BUT, I do like to share a good book..and have been known to lend a copy (that's right, I have at least 2 copies if I've lent you a book)
or to gush about a book or a series of books. I recently found a new accident, thats the way I've found nearly all my keepers by the way. The latest book is called Real Vampires Get Lucky, by Gerry Bartlett. I can't say enough good things about this series (Or the Awesome author, she's great!) Anyway, check out the books!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday, the 13th

So, I've gone a whole week! Woohoo..I didn't think I'd do it.

This is a pepper plant I bought today for my husband for Father's Day. Although, I'll be doing the work, lol. He likes fresh, for the first time in too many years, I've got the motivation to grow them myself again and make it for him. Its so easy to do..peppers, vinegar, pinch of sugar..boil, pour over the peppers, (the peppers should be in a mason jar of some sort), put the lid on tight, flip upside down, and wait awhile for the sauce to get hot enough for you. I don't use it..but if he likes it..

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 3

I got a late start today..had to go to the dr..but it was just starting to storm really good here when I took this. We need it pretty badly, its so dry!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 2

My second day second day posting a picture a day, and this one may or may not make sense to anyone else, unless they've read Kim Harrison's books (They're pretty awesome in case you've not read one, check them out!)
I don't like tomatos, so this doesn't really affect me, and maybe I'm just a bad person to find humor in this..but trust me, read her books..and you'll get it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I just took this picture..about 5 minutes ago..we definitely need the rain..its so dry right now.