I love to read. I can literally lose time in a Barnes and Noble. And maybe I'm a book snob, but I don't like the library. If I'm going to spend time to read a book, I want to own it, much to my checkbook's (and husband's) dismay. I am out of room in my bookcases, so, I probably should pass on some of my books..but, alas, that is SO not going to happen. BUT, I do like to share a good book..and have been known to lend a copy (that's right, I have at least 2 copies if I've lent you a book)
or to gush about a book or a series of books. I recently found a new series..by accident, thats the way I've found nearly all my keepers by the way. The latest book is called Real Vampires Get Lucky, by Gerry Bartlett. I can't say enough good things about this series (Or the Awesome author, she's great!) Anyway, check out the books!
You should take a pic of your bookshelves at an odd angle for artistic fun!
Thats a good idea for tomorrow! Thanks!
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