Saturday, June 28, 2008


Both of my boys with one of their older cousins. We live right next door to each other. They have so much fun together.
(Men are still idiots, but it is better today)


Iva said...

The Man Beast and the Kiddos want a pool. Maybe one day...

Lottie said...

This was a compromise. We want a bigger one, but can't afford it..but its so hot..I hate that the kids have no way to cool off, and with that amoeba warning in the lakes in our county..I'm too nervous about it. So we bought this tiny little thing.

Iva said...

Sounds like a great compromise.

Linda said...

The boy and I want a pool like that, but hubby keeps on stating "his precious grass" concerns..hey, we have nearly 3acres, I think he can give up a

PS About the lakes, not to mention the gator factor too..

MamaSnapped said...

Thank goodness for our local pool.

Looks like the boys are having fun!

Lottie said...

I have to force myself not to worry about the gator factor..but I my husband nuts that I worry about it..but..there again..goes back to my men are idiots theory.

The boys love having their older cousins around..they are actually the youngest of the 'first' cousins. The rest of them just kind of take them under their wing. Aaron (the man in the picture) is pretty good with them..he always has been. He'll be a good father one day.