My second day
ok..my second day posting a picture a day, and this one may or may not make sense to anyone else, unless they've read Kim Harrison's books (They're pretty awesome in case you've not read one, check them out!)
I don't like tomatos, so this doesn't really affect me, and maybe I'm just a bad person to find humor in this..but trust me, read her books..and you'll get it.
I'm not a fan of them either. But just an FYI, Alabama, Florida and California ones are safe to eat! :)
Are you doing 365 days of pics? I can't wait to see whatelse you post!
I am posting one every day. Thanks..Whatever strikes my fancy tomorrow I guess. :)
Thanks for reading!
Our Kroger has a very similar sign. And if you want a tomato on a sandwich at Chick Fil A, fahgetaboutit!
Loving the new blog, girl.
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