We live out in the country..sort of..and we get quite a bit of wild animals here..I've never been lucky enough to spot a (live) bear, although I've seen 2 dead bears in the last 2 months, I've never seen bobcats/florida panthers either, nor do I really want to..other than at a zoo, because as beautiful as they are, I probably would flip out to see one in my front yard. We do see a lot of these white birds..I get blue herons in the summer too sometimes. Today there were 3 or 4 of the white birds ( I just call them the 'white cow birds') that hang out in cow pastures, in our yard today. If you click on the picture to see it larger, you can make out one on my fence line. I'm going fishing tomorrow night (Shark fishing..grrrrrr, lol) so I'm hoping to get Thursday's picture there.
I saw the bird way back there on the fence. Cool!
Hey, I ran up on a photo challenge blog. I think it will be fun. http://photochallengeblog.blogspot.com/
Are you going deep sea fishing? (I take it, you are) I sure miss that aspect of living in FL. We are 3 hrs north of the Gulf of Mexico.I sure miss the beach. Have a nice, safe time. TY for the pics you post. smiles
We are going on the Orlando Princess tonight. I haven't been since 1990..ish? We decided it would be fun to do with the kids.
I'll check out the photochallenge..thanks!
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