well, cuteish anyway, lol. I needed to go to Sweetbay this morning..the boys didn't want to go, so instead of sharing this with them, I'm sharing with you. They stayed home (I was less than 5 miles away, and this is something we've been trying..so far so good, I get home, there is no blood anywhere to be seen, no bruises, or crying going on, and the door is still locked, so..they're passing fair) Anyway, I climb into my suv, crank it up, and pull around to the driveway. I notice on my windshield wiper a little hitchhiker. Its the ugliest lizard ever. I have no idea what kind of lizard it is, if you know, please share. He's clinging to my windshield wiper shaft on the base....he's just..staring at me with his beady, lizardy eyes. For just a moment I contemplate turning the wipers on high speed, and watching his {shudder} ugly lizard self flinging haphazardly through the air. I stopped myself..and took the picture..took a couple actually, and then started slowly down the driveway. I'm thinking that he'll jump off right..nope..he goes into the well near the windshield and hunkers down for the ride. I pull out slowly, I really don't want to splatter the nasty looking thing on the blacktop, and start off to the store, thinking he'll jump off when I get to the parking lot. Apparantly, the seating near the windshield wasn't to his liking, and he decided to climb back up the shaft of the windshield wiper. Alas, he lost his footing (?) and flew (fast!) off onto the road. Hopefully, he flew far enough to hit soft ground.
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